FREE App of the Week: Notability

I know, I know, it’s been awhile. There have been plenty of weekly free apps and nary a word from me. What can I say… I’ve been busy.

But now, this week (starting last Thursday, actually), and for only two more days, there’s a new featured free app on Apple’s App Store: Notability. And this one’s worth noting, as it’s one of the best note-taking apps out there.

In addition to the usual note-taking features of handwritten notes or drawings, text, photos, etc., one of Notability’s stand-out features is its ability to record audio and allow you to take handwritten or typed notes during the recording, and then time-sync those notes to the time during the recording they were taken. This would be of tremendous use to a student recording a class lecture and taking notes at the same time… and then being able to re-listen to the lecture and see the notes they took at the time in the lecture they were made. If you’re a student taking notes, or even someone wanting to take notes in a business meeting, this will be a godsend to help know what your notes mean in context.

The audio-recording-note-syncing feature alone is worth the price of entry… which today and tomorrow at least, is FREE! So go ahead, go get it!

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